Rishi Narain Singh

Earth Sciences

Visiting Professor

MSc: Banaras Hindu University, 1964
PhD: Banaras Hindu University, 1969

Email: rnsingh -AT- iitgn.ac.in

Research Interests: Environmental, earth system and sustainability modeling, Modeling of human-earth system interactions.

Prof Singh has been studying heat and mass transport processes in the earth and environment. Thermal evolution of Indian crust and lithosphere, groundwater and air quality modeling have been few areas of long standing interest. Current focus is on modeling  earth surface processes.

Recent Research Publications

Bhattacharya, D., Reza, A., Guha, S., & Singh, R. N. (2021). Stability of vegetation growth in a noise-induced system. Journal of Earth System Science, 130(1), 1-10.

Sahoo, R., Singh, R. N., & Jain, V. (2021). Temporal profiling of uplift rate along an active fault using river long profile in the Kuchchh region, Western India. Quaternary International, 585, 85-98.

Sahoo, R., Singh, R. N., & Jain, V. (2020). Process inference from topographic fractal characteristics in the tectonically active Northwest Himalaya, India. Earth Surface processes and landforms, 45(14), 3572-3591.