Matthew Huber

Professor, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Department, Purdue University

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Research Interests: Paleoclimate, tropical cyclones, heat waves, food-energy-water security, sustainability

Prof Huber studies how heat and water move around in the climate system both in the past and future. His aim is to better understand and predict polar amplification of climate change, tropical temperature constraints, climate sensitivity to greenhouse gas forcing, the impacts of climate change on human and natural systems, and ultimately to provide solutions to the complex problems society faces.

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Daher, Hoorah; Arbic, B.K.; Williams, J. G. ; Ansong, J. K. ; Boggs, D. H.; Müller, Malte; Schindelegger, Michael; Adcroft, A. J. ; Austermann, J.; Cornuelle, B. D. ; Crawford, E. B. ; Fringer, O. B. ; Lau, Harriet; Lock, S. J. ; Maloof, A. C. ; Menemenlis, D. ; Mitrovica, J. X. ; Green, Mattias; Huber, Matthew, “Long-term Earth-Moon evolution with high-level orbit and ocean tide models”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, DOI:, Dec. 2021.

Cicero Z de Lima; Jonathan R Buzan; Frances C Moore; Uris Lantz C Baldos; Matthew Huber and Thomas W Hertel, “Heat stress on agricultural workers exacerbates crop impacts of climate change”, Environmental Research Letters, Volume 16, Number 4, Mar. 2021.

Asoka, Akarsh; Wardlow, Brian; Tsegaye, Tadesse; Huber, Matthew and Mishra, Vimal, “A satellite-based assessment of the relative contribution of hydroclimatic variables on vegetation growth in global agricultural and non-agricultural regions”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1029/2020JD033228, Feb. 2021.

Mishra, Vimal; Ambika, Anukesh Krishnankutty; Asoka, Akarsh; Aadhar, Saran; Buzan, Jonathan; Kumar, Rohini and Huber, Matthew, “Moist heat stress extremes in India enhanced by irrigation”, Nature Geoscience, DOI: 10.1038/s41561-020-00650-8, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 722-728, Oct. 2020.

Acosta, R. P., & Huber, M., “Competing Topographic Mechanisms for the Summer Indo‐Asian Monsoon” Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2019GL085112. 10.1029/2019GL085112, Jan. 2020.