Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF)
CIF has been established to provide sophisticated characterisation services to the researchers within and outside IITGN. It houses several high-end analytical instruments such as SEM, XRD, AFM, NMR, LC-MS, MALDI-TOF, ICP- MS & ICP-OES, Confocal Microscope and Single Crystal XRD. We have recently added new instruments such as Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and Multipurpose XRD with various modules like Powder analysis, Thin Film, SAXS and in-plane scattering for Material Science and Research. The CIF aims to provide a central facility consisting of the latest and advanced analytical Instruments to facilitate multidisciplinary research and to cater to the needs of academic research institutes, universities, and industries for high-end material characterisation. IITGN regularly conducts the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP) training programme, where CIF facility staff and students give short lectures towards the technical and application aspects of CIF Instrumentation. IITGN CIF is on the National I-STEM Portal to avail the usage of the facility by users around the country and internationally. CIF has been catering for the needs of industries at various levels. Many pharmaceutical industries like Sun Pharma, Piramal Pharma, Zydus Research centre, Cadila Healthcare, Torrent Pharma, Sud-Chemie are the regular users of our facility. Nearly 30 major industries are users of the CIF IITGN. CIF has also been constantly providing services to the universities, institutes and R&D departments. The primary goal has been to build an environment that would lead to major collaborations between academic institutes.
Dry Process Technology (DryProTech) Lab
The state-of-the-art DryProTech Lab has several sophisticated instruments such as surface energy analyzer (inverted gas chromatography), simultaneous TG-DSC from Netzsch, FT4 powder rheometer (Freeman Technology), laser diffraction particle size analyzer (CILAS) for characterisation in dry and wet mode. In addition, the lab is equipped with a V-blender and cone-mill (Prism Pharma), a humidity-controlled glove box and Faraday cup with electrostatic charge measurement facility, planetary ball mills, furnace chamber, tube furnaces, catalytic reactor to study the performance of catalyst powders, etc.
DSIR-IITGN-CRTDH (Common Research and Technology Development Hub)
The DSIR-IITGN-CRTDH is equipped with ICP Analysis Suite (Perkin Elmer), fluorescence spectrometer, multimode microplate, mass spectrometer (Spectrum Automation and Control) UV-Vis spectrometer (Analytic Jena AG), Model – MAX300- CAT (M/s Extrel CMS, LLC, USA), multi-purpose online gas chromatography, TOC analyzer (Analytik Jena AG), HPTLC (CAMAG, Switzerland), basket centrifuge, and refrigerator circulator.
Earth Science Lab
The lab is equipped with basic and sophisticated research facilities /equipment to conduct elementary and advanced water and soil chemistry levels. It aims to address the environmental maladies and provide a sustainable scientific solution to society at the grassroots level. This laboratory has several experimental setups to assist research from macromolecular level to ultra-trace level with the help of different instruments such as ion chromatography (IC), Hanna (HI7698194) multiparameter pH/EC/DO probe, etc. The lab is a true example for multidisciplinary studies, as the Masters and PhD research work is extended to different areas like nanomaterials, sustainable construction materials.
Electrical Machines and Power Electronics Lab
The lab is equipped to carry out research work on designing, controlling, and diagnosing various electric machines. These include transformers, rotating electric machines and power converters. Design and analysis of novel and existing topologies are carried out using 2D and 3D electromagnetic finite element analysis in Ansys Maxwell. Test-setups for experimentation on various rotating electric machine topologies are available in the lab.
Energy, Environment, and Exposure Laboratory (EEEL)
Research at Energy, Environment and Exposure Laboratory (EEEL) focuses on various aspects of energy, environment, and human exposure. Since the energy, environment, and human exposure are not independent, we aim to understand their complex interdependency.
Energy Systems Research Lab
The motivation behind the Renewable Energy laboratory facility is to provide a broad range of experimental experience to undergraduate and graduate students in renewable energy. This facility comprises high-quality experimental setups in wind, thermal and solar energy. This experimental facility includes thermal energy storage training system, solar concentrator training system, wind energy training system and solar PV training and research system. A fuel-cell test system and a heat transfer experimental module have been procured.
Hydrogen and carbon monoxide safety laboratory
The facility is a hydrogen and carbon monoxide safety laboratory with dedicated industrial ventilation that is designed to automatically respond to events involving an increase in hydrogen or carbon monoxide concentration, thereby preventing accidents. The laboratory has facilities for building, testing and demonstrating fuel cell systems and subsystems. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry facilities enable gas analysis to determine the performance of catalysts and catalytic reactors that are used in fuel cell systems. Within this facility, the group has developed diesel reformers for marine fuel cell system applications (design patented), methanol fuel processors for stationary power applications and ethanol reformers for various end-use applications. Other equipment that are important to this research & development activity include mass flow controllers, data acquisition systems and sensors, and the laboratory is well equipped to handle this research.
A research group is working in CO2 conversion technologies where we use CO2 to reform methane to generate synthesis gas. The process can be further modified to prepare hydrogen, methanol, gasoline etc. Other than this, we also work on CO2 electroreduction materials, gas purification technologies. We have gas chromatographs, mass spectrometer, catalyst synthesis facilities, adsorption-desorption equipment.
Machine Intelligence and Resilience Lab
The Machine Intelligence and Resilience Laboratory is an interdisciplinary lab working on the various aspects of climate change and variability, climate extremes, and resilience of built and natural systems. Key projects that the lab is undertaking include:
- Developing physics guided super-resolution approach and evaluation strategies for downscaling earth system model outputs
- Physics guided data science approach for predictive understanding of hydrological processes
- Evaluating resilience of critical infrastructures under evolving threats
- Modelling the spread of Covid-19 in congested cities.
Photonic Sensors Lab
The Photonic Sensors laboratory specialises in photonic sensing for interdisciplinary applied research. Near-infrared and mid-infrared tunable diode laser spectroscopy (TDLS) are used to develop high-sensitivity detection platforms for industrial safety applications and ambient air quality monitoring. The lab develops accurate and robust systems for long-term and automated measurement systems that can be mounted on vehicles to make real-time measurements over large urban areas. Work on UAV-mountable systems for vertically-resolved measurements non-invasive, time-resolved measurement of bacterial growth by measuring the emitted carbon dioxide are also ongoing. Bacteria contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and it is therefore meaningful to develop compact detection systems to monitor their growth. The lab has also demonstrated early detection of growth suppression due to the addition of antibiotics. Finally, the strain sensitivity of Fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) used to measure the bend angle of fingers of the human hand helps quantify the extent of recovery during stroke rehabilitation.
Power Systems and Smart Grid Lab
Power Systems and Smart Grid laboratory focuses on the research in smart distribution grids/microgrids and integrating distributed generations and energy management. The lab is equipped with a fully digital real-time power engineering simulation platform consisting of Opal-RT (OP4508 F11-3+1) real-time digital simulator – OP5600 and customised modular hardware and firmware for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) and rapid control prototype (RCP) studies in power systems and smart grid-related research activities. The lab is also equipped with power systems simulation packages – PSCAD, CYMDIST and GAMS Optimisation tools. National/international collaborative projects majorly support research activities.
Smart Manufacturing and Robotics (SMART) Lab
At SMART Lab, human intuition and intelligence are implemented to design and automate processes and systems. Examples of research areas of this lab include Laser Microposlishing of Metals, Multi-Agent Robotics and Flexible Manipulators.
Soil Testing Laboratory
The Geotechnical Engineering laboratory is equipped with high-end research equipment along with basic soil testing. The soil dynamics laboratory is equipped with large (earthquake) and small strain (vibratory) testing. The following equipment was developed in the laboratory: multiaxial cubical device with flexible boundary system and real-time feedback control system capable of conducting true-triaxial and plane strain testing of soils, constant rate of strain (CRS) consolidation setup, slurry consolidation setup for preparing the remolded specimens of fine-grained soils.
State Climate Change Centre
DST funds this project, MoST, GoI and aims to build research networks and foster research activities in climate change impact on socio-economic sectors like agriculture, health, natural ecosystem, biodiversity, coastal zones, etc. As a part of the NMSKCC, an interdisciplinary team of researchers is developing knowledge related to the expected impact of climate change in Gujarat. Detailed climate models are used to project future temperatures under various scenarios, and the corresponding impact is assessed in areas such as: water, agriculture, forests and biodiversity, sea-level rise and coastal infrastructure, energy efficiency and renewable energy, urban development, and health. Across all these sectors, vulnerability assessment is also being carried out.
Water and Climate Lab
The Water and Climate lab focuses on Hydrologic modelling, Remote Sensing, Climate Change, Drought, Floods, and Heat Waves Methods and techniques: Modelling, Statistical analysis, Data analysis. The current research work is on drought and water availability in India under current and future climate.
Water and Environment Technology Lab
Water and Environment Technology (WET) Lab deals with hydrogeochemistry, contaminant transport and bioremediation experiments. The overarching objective of my research is to ascertain, broaden, comprehend, and develop various dimensions of the fate, transport and remediation of geogenic, micro, microbial, and emerging contaminants.
Water Energetics Lab
The Water Energetics Lab focuses on modeling and experimental testing of energy-efficient desalination and water treatment technologies towards drinking water production and industrial effluent recycling. Some of the projects underway at the lab include:
- Improved design of air-gap distillation systems for off-grid desalination
- Optimal resource (membrane area) allocation in multi-stage RO through equipartition of entropy generation
- Electrodialysis system development for brine splitting aimed towards industrial effluent reuse
Water Resources Engineering Lab
The Water Resources Engineering laboratory has the following equipment for teaching purposes: a hydraulic bench, pitot tube, Reynold’s apparatus, sharp-crested weir (notch), Bernoulli’s apparatus, venturimeter and orificemeter, nozzle meter, hydraulic tilting flume, basic hydrology apparatus, free and forced vortex flow apparatus. In addition to the above, a river tray with a levee breach facility, an automated hydraulic tilting flume, and a piping system to study transients are being used for research purposes. A 3D velocity measurement device, Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter, is used in the flume experiments.