KPCSD Poster Competition on Sustainability
Dr Kiran C Patel Centre for Sustainable Development organised Poster Competition on Sustainability on April 19, 2022. We received enthusiastic participation with 25 teams of IITGN students registering for the competition from various disciplines and programmes. A total of 18 teams (nearly 50 students) presented the posters covering various domains of sustainability and broadly the five focus areas of the Centre including water, pollution and waste management, climate change, energy, natural resources, wildlife and ecosystems.
The winners are as follows:
1st position: “Polymer filament extrusion using LDPE waste polymer: Effect of processing temperature” by Rajdeep Singh Devra, Nishkarsh Srivastava, Madhu Vadali, Amit Arora
2nd position: “HydroPonics: A step towards sustainable farming” by Veena K, Pearl Khare, Mukul Raj, Aman Raj, Rahul Raj
3rd position: “Automated waste segregation using deep learning and image processing” by Yuvraj Gupta, Ary Pratap Singh, Preetam Chhmipa, Anuj Tripathi and Virender Singh
Congratulations to the winners!
Special thanks to Prof Madhu Vadali, Prof Naran Pindoriya, Prof Sameer Patel and Prof Vimal Mishra for judging the posters.