IITGN Library Resources on Sustainability

Books on Water and Sustainable Development

1. Amrith, Sunil. (2018). Unruly waters: How mountain rivers and monsoons have shaped South Asia’s history. London: Allen Lane.
950 AMI 027758

2. Appelo, C. A. J. & Postma, Dieke. (2005). Geochemistry groundwater and pollution (2nd Ed.). Leiden: A.A Balkema Publishers.
551.49 APP 027103

3. Asawa, G. L. (2017). Irrigation and water resources engineering. New Delhi: New Age International Publishers.
627.52 ASA 024712

4. Asthana, V. (2012). Water policy processes in India: Discourses of power and resistance. London: Routledge.
333.9100954 AST 028557

5. Bagai, S. (2013). Water: Why it matters. New Delhi: TERI Press.
553.7 BAG CC0936

6. Bajjali, W. (2018). ArcGIS for environmental and water issues. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
577 BAJ 027139

7. Bear, J. (2007). Hydraulics of groundwater. Mineola: Dover Publication.
551.49 BEA 024374

8. Bedient, P. B. & Rifai, H. S. (1997). Ground water contamination: Transport and remediation (2nd Ed.). New Jersey: Pearson.
628.168 BED 027158

9. Bellinger, E. G. & Sigee, D. C. (2010). Freshwater algae: Identification and use as bioindicators. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
579.8 BEL 004498

10. Bhave, Pramod R. & Gupta, Rajesh. (2006). Analysis of water distribution networks. New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House.
628.144 BHA 002662

11. Biswas, Asit K. & Tortajada, Cecilia. (2004). Water as a focus for regional development. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
333.91 BIS 020027

12. Bunce, F. W. (2013). Iconography of water: Well and tank forms of the Indian subcontinent. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
725.740954 BUN 029366

13. Chakravarty, Kalyan Kumar, & Paranjpye, Vijay. (2006). Traditional water management systems of India. New Delhi: Aryan Books International.
628.1 CHA 017879

14. Chapple, C. K., & Tucker, M. Evelyn. (Ed.) (2000). Hinduism and ecology: The intersection of earth, sky, and water. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
294.5178362 CHA 030029

15. Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. (1996). Biotechnology for waste and wastewater treatment. New Delhi: Prentice hall of India.
628.3 CHE 003320

16. Conca, K., & Weinthal, E. (Ed.) (2018). Oxford handbook of water politics and policy. New York: Oxford University Press.
333.91 CON 030010

17. Crittenden, John C [et al.]. (2012). Water treatment: Principles and design (3rd Ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
628.162 CRI 013002 & 022226

18. Das, Madan Mohan, & Saikia, Mimi Das. (2009). Irrigation and water power engineering. New Delhi: PHI Learning.
333.91309 DAS 006607

19. Davis, Mackenzie L. (2011). Water and wastewater engineering. New Delhi: McGraw Hill Education India.
628.1 DAV 022570 & 022514

20. Davison-Jenkins, Dominic J. (1997). Irrigation and water supply systems of Vijayanagara. New Delhi: Manohar Publishers.
627.520954 DAV 017957

21. Debnath, Lokenath. (1994). Nonlinear water waves. Boston: Academic Press.
523.593 DEB 009417

22. Denny, Mark W. (1993). Air and water: the biology and physics of life s media. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
574.191 DEN 014993

23. Doppelt, Robert. (1993). Entering the watershed: A new approach to save America`s river ecosystems. Washington, DC: Island Press.
333.9162160973 DOP 020210

24. Droste, Ronald L. (2005). Theory and practice of water and wastewater treatment. New Delhi: Wiley.
628.35 DRO 022883

25. Eaton, Andrew D. [et. al.]. (2005). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (21st Ed.). American Public Health Association.
628.161 STA 000825

26. Edzwald, James K. (Ed.). (2011). Water quality and treatment: A handbook on drinking water, (6th Ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
628.162 EDZ 022008 & 022225

27. Essington, M. E. (2015). Soil and water chemistry: An integrative approach (2nd Ed.). Boca Raton: CRC Press.
631.41 ESS 024263

28. Faust, S. D. & Aly, O. M. (1998). Chemistry of water treatment (2nd Ed.). Boca Raton: CRC Press.
628.166 FAU 027608

29. Finney, John. (2015). Water: A very short introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
553.7 FIN 026842

30. Fleming, S. W. (2017). Where the river flows: Scientific reflections on earths waterways. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
551.483 FLE 026616

31. Franks, Felix. (1985). Water Science Reviews. Vol.1- Vol.4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
553.7 WAT 004602 – 004606

32. Franks, Felix. & Chemistry, R. S. of. (2000). Water: A matrix of life (2nd Ed.). Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry.
553.7 FRA 004423

33. Freeze, A. R. & Cherry, J. A. (1979). Groundwater. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
551.498 FRE 012198

34. Goodell, J. (2017). Water will come: Rising seas, sinking cities, and the remaking of the civilized world. New York: Little, Brown and Company.
551.458 GOO 026134

35. Gray, N. (2017). Water science and technology: An introduction (4th Ed.). Boca Raton: CRC Press.
628.1 GRA 024871

36. Gupta, Avijit. (2007). Large rivers: Geomorphology and management. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
551.483 GUP 015465

37. Hammer, Mark J. (2008). Water and wastewater technology (6th Ed.). New Delhi: PHI Learning.
628.1 HAM 003329 & 006942

38. Howd, Robert A. & Fan, Anna M. (2008). Risk assessment for chemicals in drinking water. New Delhi: Wiley.
613.287 HOW 004014

39. Hu, D. L. (2018). How to walk on water and climb up walls. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
629.892 HUD 027440

40. Jain-Neubauer, Jutta. (2016). Water design environment and history. Mumbai: Marg.
720.47 JAI 024941

41. Kavarana, Gita. (2013). Catch water where it falls: Toolkit on urban rainwater harvesting. New Delhi: Centre for Science and Environment.
333.91 KAV 013821

42. Kumar, M (Ed.) [et.al.], (2020). Resilience, response, and risk in water systems: Shifting management and natural forcings paradigms. Singapore: Springer.
363.6 KUM 029380

43. Kumar, Dinesh. (2014). Thirsty cities: How Indian cities can meet their water needs. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
333.91150954 KUM 020840

44. Kumar, R. (2009). Municipal water and wastewater treatment. New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute.
628.3 KUM 023884

45. Kurisu, F. & Ramanathan, A. L. (Ed.). (2016). Trends in Asian water environmental science and technology. New Delhi: Springer.
628.16095 KUR 029895 & 029897

46. Majumadar, Dilip Kumar. (2000). Irrigation water management: Principles and practice. New Delhi: PHI Learning.
333.91309 MAJ 003352 & 006608

47. Manahan, Stanley E. (2011). Water chemistry: Green science and technology of nature’s most renewable resource. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
628 MAN 018930

48. Marechal, Yves. (2007). Hydrogen bond and the water molecule: The physics and chemistry of water, aqueous, and bio-media. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
546.22 MAR 004422

49. Matto, M. (2017). Urban water sustainability. New Delhi: Centre of science and environment.
628.1 MAT 027041

50. Matto, M. & Jainer, S. (2017). Water sensitive urban design and planning. New Delhi: Centre of science and environment.
628.21 MAT 027042

51. Mays, L. W. (2007). Water resources sustainability. New York: McGraw Hill.
627 MAY 013005

52. Mays, Larry W. (2011). Water resources engineering (2nd Ed.). New Delhi: Wiley India.
627 MAY 013005

53. Mays, Larry W. (2012). Ground and surface water hydrology. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
551.48 MAY 013295

54. McBride, James. (2006). Color of water: A black man`s tribute to his white mother. New York: Riverhead.
974.71 MCB 018544

55. Mehta, S. (2019). Mystery of the lost waterfall. Gurgaon: Penguin.
823 MEH CC1360

56. Metcalf, & Eddy. (2003). Wastewater engineering: Treatment and reuse, (4th ed.). New Delhi: McGraw Hill Education India.
628.3 MET 022785 & 022786

57. Mosse, David. (2005). Rule of water: Statecraft, ecology and collective action in south India. New York: Oxford University Press.
304.209548 MOS 019069

58. Mujtaba, I. M. (2018). Water-food-energy nexus: Processes, technologies, and challenges. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
333.9116 MUJ 030591

59. Mujumdar, P. P. & Tiwari, V. M. (2019). Water futures of India: Status of science and technology. Bengaluru: IISc Press.
363.610954 MUJ 029105

60. Narain, V. & Narayanamoorthy, Annasamy. (2016). Indian water policy at the crossroads: Resources, technology and reforms. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
330 NAR 030009

61. Nathanson, Jerry A. (2009). Basic environmental technology: Water supply, waste management, and pollution control (5th Ed.). New Delhi: PHI.
628 NAT 006164

62. Nemerow, Nelson Leonard. & Salvato, Joseph A. (2009). Water, wastewater, soil, and groundwater treatment and remediation (6th Ed.). Hobeken: Wiley.
628 NEM 004011

63. Noor, Z. Z. & Noor, S. M. (2017). Sustainable water treatment: Innovative technologies. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
628.1620286 NOO 024870

64. Pandit, Aniruddha Bhalchandra, & Kumar, Jyoti Kishen. (2013). Drinking water disinfection techniques. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
628.162 PAN 013858

65. Parikh, A. & Srivastava, L. P. (2019). Water and waste water management. Gandhinagar: IIT Gandhinagar.
628.1091724 PAR 027570 & 031804- 031806

66. Parthasarathy, R. & Dholakia, R. H. (Ed.). (2011). Sardar Sarovar project on the river Narmada Vol. 1 -3. New Delhi: Concept publishing.
333.910095479 PAR 031225- 031227

67. Patra, K. C. (2001). Hydrology and water resources engineering (2nd Ed.). New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House.
551.48 PAT 002792

68. Patwardhan, A. D. (2008). Industrial waste water treatment. New Delhi: PHI Learning.
628.351 PAT 006523

69. Pearce, Fred. (2006). When the rivers run dry: Water, the defining crisis of the twenty-first century. Boston: Beacon Press.
333.91 PEA 012525

70. Postel, Sandra. & Richter, Brian. (2003). Rivers for life: Managing water for people and nature. Washington, DC: Island Press.
333.916216 POS 020211

71. Price, Michael. (1996). Introducing groundwater (2nd Ed). London: Routledge.
551.49 PRI 013916

72. Qasim, Syed R. & Motley, Edward M. (2000). Water works engineering: Planning, design, and operation. New Delhi: PHI Learning.
628.1 QAS 003360 & 006943

73. Randtke, Stephen J. & Horsley, Michael B. (Ed.) (2012). Water treatment plant design (5th Ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
628.162 RAN 022009

74. Rege, Purushottam Shivram, & Engblom, Philip C. (1993). Fire, water, earth, and wind: Selected poems of Purushottam Shivram Rege. Hyderabad: Orient Longman.
891.461 REG 015239

75. Rice, Eugene W. [et. al.]. (2012). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (22nd Ed.). Washington: American Public Health Association.
628.161 RIC 014691

76. Richter, Brian. (2014). Chasing water: A guide for moving from scarcity to sustainability. Washington, DC: Island Press.
333.91 RIC 020209

77. Sarni, W. (2022). Digital water: Enabling a more resilient, secure and equitable water future. London: Routledge.
333.91 SAR 031280

78. Schmidt, J. J. (2018). Water: Abundance, scarcity, and security in the age of humanity. New Delhi: SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd.
333.91 SCH 026056

79. Seethapathi, P. V. & Dutta, D. (2008). Hydrology of small watersheds. New Delhi: Teri publication.
333.7160954 SEE 013340

80. Shah, Manikant. (2012). Traditional water management practices of Uttarakhand. New Delhi: Rupa & Infinity Foundation.
627.095451 SHA 019146

81. Sharda, C., & Matto, M. (2017). Water efficiency and conservation. New Delhi: Centre of science and environment.
333.91 SHA 027044

82. Shukla, S. P. & Handa, O. C. (2014). Water management and hydraulic engineering in India. New Delhi: Pentagon Press.
333.9100954 SHU 019147

83. Sidhwa, Bapsi. (2006). Water: a novel. New York: Penguin Books.
823.914 SID 009601

84. Siegel, S. M. (2015). Let there be water: Israel’s solution for a water-starved world. New York: Thomas Dunne Books.
628.109569442 SIE 029944

85. Singh, V. P. (1996). Kinematic wave modeling in water resources: Surface-water hydrology. New Jersey: Wiley.
553.7015118 SIN 026241

86. Stager, C. (2018). Still waters: The secret world of lakes. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
551.482 STA 027177

87. Tchobanoglous, G. & Stensel, H. D. (2014). Wastewater engineering: Treatment and resource recovery (5th Ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
628.3 BUR 030975

88. Todd, David Keith. (1959). Ground water hydrology (2nd Ed.). New Delhi: Wiley.
551.49 TOD 004007

89. Todd, David Keith, & Mays, Larry W. (2005). Groundwater hydrology (3rd Ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
551.49 TOD 021621

90. Viollet, P.L. & Holly, F. M. Tr. (2007). Water engineering in ancient civilizations: 5,000 years of history. Madrid: International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research.
627.09 VIO 024375